Adoptive Parent Information

Adoption through foster care can be a way to create the dream of enlarging your family in a “shorter timeline” than going through other adoption doorways.
Benefits are:
1. The child is placed as a foster child, and although there are no guarantees as to how long they might stay in your home, many children do not reunify with their family, and so the opportunity is yours to make them a permanent member of your family.
2. We have children of every age who need families who will provide permanent homes, if they cannot go home.
3. Families get to know the child in their home for months, so making an adoption commitment is easier with more knowledge and attachment to the child.
4. Our placement coordinator has 25 years of experience matching children to families, and has excellent communication and follow-through to ensure families feel supported in the placement process. 
5. Triad has experienced staff to help with every step of the process from placement through to adoption, including on-going casework and advocacy.
6. Professional training  provided to the parent’s schedule
7. There is no cost to adopting through foster care.
Call our adoption supervisor today to find out how you can create/enlarge your family through foster care to adoption!
Nancy Reagh, MSW   Cell: 916-871-3515